Katie Price’s son Harvey is applying to join National Star college in Cheltenham

Katie Price and her son Harvey decided to apply for National Star after visiting the college in Cheltenham for a BBC One documentary, Katie Price: Harvey and Me, which airs in January 2021.

National Star college features in BBC One documentary Katie Price Harvey and Me. BBC/Minnow Films/Gr
National Star college features in BBC One documentary Katie Price: Harvey and Me.© BBC/Minnow Films/Gr

Katie Price’s son Harvey has applied to join Cheltenham’s independent college National Star.

National Star will appear in a BBC One documentary entitled Katie Price: Harvey and Me, which follows the famous mother and son, as they explore the options of further education.

National Star chief executive David Ellis explained that following Katie and Harvey’s visit, they decided to apply for a place at the college, with an assessment to take place in March 2021.

National Star’s mission is to enable people with disabilities to realise their potential through personalised learning, transition and destination services.

Mr Ellis said: ‘We’re delighted that following their visit to National Star that Harvey would like to attend college with us. Applying for a place at a specialist college is like everything connected with disabilities — complicated!

‘It is early days in Harvey’s application for National Star. He is due to be assessed in March. We need to carry out that assessment so that we can determine whether National Star is the best place for him, that we can meet his needs and that he will flourish here.

‘If we think we are right for Harvey then we will offer him a conditional place and a funding application will be submitted to their local authority. The place will be dependent on that decision by the local authority and we will support Katie and Harvey, like every family, every step of the way.

‘At the heart of this is to ensure that any decision that is made is done with the young person’s best interest. As with all young people with disabilities, Harvey needs to be at a college where they can meet his needs and enable him to reach his potential.’

Katie Price: Harvey and me will air on BBC One on Monday 25 January 2021 at 8.30pm.

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