Dr Sandy’s Gallery of Stories at Cheltenham Literature Festival

Moth Sanctuary Productions is bringing live theatre back to Cheltenham Literature Festival’s Lit Crawl this October 2021, as it presents its first completely original show – Dr Sandy’s Gallery of Stories.

Step inside the travelling gallery of the eccentric Dr Sandy and discover his extraordinary collection at Cheltenham Literature Festival this October 2021.
Step inside the travelling gallery of the eccentric Dr Sandy and discover his extraordinary ‘collection’ at Cheltenham Literature Festival this October 2021.

Dr Sandy and his Gallery of Stories is rolling into town for one night only at the Cheltenham Literature Festival Lit Crawl on Saturday 9 October 2021.

Presented by award-winning Cheltenham-based theatre company, Moth Sanctuary Productions, the show invites Lit Crawl revellers to meet an eccentric character known only as ‘Dr Sandy’, admire his extraordinary ‘collection’ and hear the fascinating story of how he amassed it.

With tales of murder, betrayal, secrets and supernatural happenings, the evening begins at 7.30pm at The Old Courthouse in Cheltenham – and promises to be as spooky as it is sexy.

Bringing live theatre to the Lit Crawl since 2016, Moth Sanctuary Productions is most well-known for its theatrical adaptations of classic literature – including Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven; John Milton’s Paradise Lost; Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; and Angela Carter’s The Company of Wolves – with Dr Sandy’s Gallery of Stories being the company’s first production comprised entirely of original stories.

Dr Sandy’s Gallery of Stories opens at 7.30pm on Saturday 9 October 2021 at The Old Courthouse Cheltenham, as part of the Cheltenham Literature Festival Lit Crawl.

For more information, visit cheltenhamfestivals.com/literature.


Dr Sandy’s Gallery of Stories


Saturday 9 October 2021




Free of charge


Telephone number not available

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