Gloucestershire business lessons: The secret to three-times faster growth is surprising...

In the latest in our series revealing the lessons that have led to success for Gloucestershire business leaders, in partnership with Nimble Elearning, SoGlos speaks to Richard Arthur of Gloucestershire's Hooray Recruitment.

By Andrew Merrell  |  Published
Ian Moriarty, operations director for Hooray, with Richard Arthur – winners at the SoGlos Gloucestershire Business Awards 2022.

According to Richard Arthur, while business growth is hard won, there is one key lesson that delivers.

Arthur, who founded the award-winning Cheltenham ethical recruitment firm Hooray in 2017, agreed to share his insight for our SoGlos business lessons series, in partnership with online training experts Nimble Elearning.

And there is one thing, he's found, that has a positive impact on almost every business.

‘Having a clear purpose is essential to growing a sustainable business. It has been proven businesses with a clear purpose will grow on average three times more quickly than their competitors.

‘Here at Hooray Recruitment, we are committed to working ethically, and are currently looking at how we can more clearly define that purpose and how it is practiced by the team in everything that they do. Watch this space!’ said Arthur, now managing director of Hooray.

It is also important to strive to be the very best you can and to be consistent, a mantra he's stuck firmly to.

‘If you continually practice good business, the rewards will come. In a competitive service-driven business such as ours, high levels of service are everything.

‘Acting with integrity and going above and beyond for customers is the most important thing to guarantee consistent success.’

Alongside all of these easily distilled ‘laws of business’ is something else of paramount importance for the development of the individual and every company; a culture of continual learning and development.

‘It’s vital,' he insists. 'I’m still learning and will continue to do so for many years to come, and this is something I ensure is cascaded down to our team. Fostering a culture of continuous improvement is high on the agenda here at Hooray for 2023 and beyond.

‘All our staff are offered regular external training, you’ll see many of our team have been awarded the Certificate in Recruitment Practice, our office manager is undertaking his CIPD Level 5, and our marketing executive is undertaking her Level 3 in digital marketing.

‘In addition, this year alone we have five in-depth, internal training sessions booked to ensure the team are engaged and challenged and can always bring their best selves to work.’

Hooray provides staff for firms across Gloucestershire in sectors including manufacturing, engineering, technology, fast-moving consumer goods, health and education and professional services.

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