New Gloucestershire jobs, skills and business support portal launches

Gloucestershire’s brand-new Skills Portal has been launched to help anyone looking for a new job, hoping to upskill or launch their own business.

Choose your path Gloucestershires new skills portal is now live.
Choose your path: Gloucestershire’s new skills portal is now live.

Anyone looking for a new job, wanting to learn new skills or to setup their own business in Gloucestershire, can visit a brand-new Skills Portal for the county, launched this month.

Developed by GFirst and Gloucestershire County Council, the idea of the Skills Portal is to bring together and simplify skills support available on a local and national level.

The portal has been specifically devised to help those who have recently become unemployed, those who have been made redundant, individuals looking to learn new skills, 16-to-24 year olds looking for support and individuals looking to start a new business.

Drawing upon his personal experience of being made redundant from a previous job, Pete Carr, director of employment and skills at GFirst LEP, explained : ‘From talking to others in this position recently, I know many other people are facing uncertainty through furlough, with decreasing sales and diminishing business opportunities resulting from the Covid pandemic.

‘The Skills Portal has been developed as a resource for anyone facing redundancy, looking to retrain or for work, or seeking apprenticeship, learning and training opportunities.

‘It’s also there to help local businesses who need to know what support they can bring in to help their staff. The idea is to have all this information easily available in one place.’

The plan is for the Skills Portal to be updated regularly with the latest information, advice, courses, programmes and initiatives.

For more information, visit

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