Personalised training and a health assessment is key to getting the most out of the gym

Around 12 per cent of all new gym memberships are taken out in January each year, with people starting the new year strong, but quickly ditching the habit after motivation runs out. Cheltenham-based Gym66 reveals how to keep stamina and training going throughout the whole year, not just the first month...

By Sarah Kent  |  Published
Assessing your health goals in the first week of joining a new gym is important for keeping your fitness journey going throughout the whole year, says Gym66 in Cheltenham.

If, like most of us, you've started the year on a health kick, one of the first things you've probably done is join a gym.

The annual January surge in new gym joiners often starts off with the best intentions, but typically tails off as the year goes on, with many of us losing motivation and cancelling our memberships by May or June.

According to the experts at Gym66, a fitness centre based at Bramery Business Park in Cheltenham, the key to keeping your health goals going is to start your fitness journey with an initial health assessment and personalised plan.

The team of coaches at Gym66 say that looking at a member's health and nutrition needs and tailoring a plan unique to their aspirations is key to sustaining motivation, building a healthy habit and seeing the right results.

Lydia Bryant, nutrition coach at Gym66, said: 'Gym66 is a coaching facility that focuses on education, community and sustainable results. Unlike other gyms, we take an active role in our members’ fitness journeys, offering guidance, support and a helping hand every step of the way.'

More than 50 percent of people joining a gym will sign up to tackle a health concern and to get fitter — and out of those numbers, a huge three-quarters of gym goers will see an improvement in both sleep and mental health from regular workouts.

But joining the gym is a commitment, both in terms of time and money, so ensuring that you pick one that's right for you is an important part of the process. And a trial period can really help with this.

Gym66 is one of the only gyms in Gloucestershire that offers new members a month-long trial. During these four weeks you can try out a bespoke package that includes a health assessment, movement screening, personal training sessions, nutrition consultation and strength and fitness classes.

And it's not one size fits all — each person's trial will be carefully tailored to their own unique needs and goals.

Lydia said: 'If a client is completely new to the gym environment, then personal training sessions can focus on introducing and practicing common exercises that will be used in the strength and fitness classes. Similarly, the nutrition consultation will involve a tailored plan to address that individual’s current diet and health concerns, whether it be weight loss or low energy, muscle gain or poor sleep, for example.'

Members range from early 20s to late 60s and everything in between, with regular socials and plenty of classes to join at times and days to suit everyone's work and life schedules. 

'Our strength and fitness classes start at 6am and run throughout the day until 7pm, as well as morning weekend classes. The genius to the class programming is that every movement can be scaled up or down to meet the client’s ability and comfort levels,' said Lydia.

For more information on the 30-day trial at Gym66, call (07897) 014525 or visit

In partnership with Gym66  |

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