Cotswolds botanical art exhibition showcases never before seen historic paintings

Beautiful works of floral art dating back 300 years are on display at Badminton House this June and September 2024.

By Emma Luther  |  Published
A selection of works from the Florilegium by Mary Somerset, 1st Duchess of Beaufort.

Badminton House is hosting its first ever art exhibition this summer.

On show, in the North Hall from Sunday 16 June 2024, are 30 reproductions of paintings that have never been seen publicly before.

They're drawn from a collection that began way back in 1703, when Mary Somerset, the first Duchess of Beaufort, commissioned Everard Kik, a Dutch botanical artist, to create a series of paintings showing the extraordinary variety of plants she had grown from seeds sent to her from all over the world.

Many of the specimens she raised are now stalwarts of British gardening and echoes of her early interests can be seen in the gardens and glass houses at Badminton today.

The final collection of 178 paintings, including many by Mary’s footman-turned-artist Daniel Frankcom — and some possibly by Mary herself — were bound in a two volume album, a 'florilegium' which has been kept at Badminton House, Gloucestershire, where Mary lived and grew many of her plants.

The florilegium has remained at Badminton for more than 300 years and this is the first time the paintings are being shared with the public.

Doors to the exhibition are open from 10am to 4pm, from Sunday 16 June to Sunday 23 June and Sunday 8 to September to Sunday 15 September, with the 30 reproductions of the paintings from the florilegium on show as well as the originals in their bound volumes.

There will also be a sale of limited edition copies of some of the paintings.

For more information, or to book tickets, visit 


A Garden of Botanical Art: Paintings from the collection of Mary Somerset, the first Duchess of Beaufort


Sunday 16 to Sunday 23 June 2024; Sunday 8 to Sunday 15 September 2024


10am to 4pm


Tickets for Sunday 16 June 2024 and Sunday 8 September 2024 are £5 if you visit as part of the open garden day. For all other dates including Monday 17 June to Sunday 23 June 2024 and Monday 9 September to Friday 13 September 2024 tickets cost £17.50 for adults and £14 for seniors/concessions. Prices include entry to the gardens.


(01454) 218203

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