Find out about fostering with Gloucestershire County Council

Hear from both an experienced foster carer and a social worker, while finding out about paid allowances and the support available during this online information session about fostering in Gloucestershire this July 2024.

By Zoe Gater  |  Published
Gloucestershire County Council is holding an online fostering information session this July 2024, covering everything from eligibility criteria to the allowances paid to foster carers.

There’s no better time to look into fostering with Gloucestershire County Council — with one of its online information sessions taking place this July 2024. 

Over 860 youngsters of all ages are currently in care and in urgent need of local foster carers who can bring much-needed stability to their lives.

On condition that you are over 21 years of age and think you might have what it takes to foster a child from the area, Gloucestershire County Council is holding an informal online event on Wednesday 3 July 2024, where potential foster carers can find out more.

If you’re curious to find out if fostering would suit you, hear from an experienced foster carer and social worker, who can provide real insight into the different types of fostering available; the support on offer; and the process involved in becoming a foster carer, while also sharing personal stories and answering any questions.

Local foster carers are essential in allowing children to stay at their schools, as well as in the same area as friends and members of their family.

Plus, you can foster whether you’re single or in a relationship; in employment — or not; rent or own your home.

For more information, call (01242) 532654 or email to request the Teams link and joining information.


Online fostering information session from Gloucestershire County Council


Online via Teams


Wednesday 3 July 2024


From 7pm to 8.30pm


Free of charge


(01242) 532654

In partnership with Gloucestershire County Council Fostering  |

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