Festival of Archaeology at Corinium Museum

Corinium Museum in Cirencester will celebrate all things archaeological with a series of exciting tours, talks and family-friendly events this July.

By Zoe Gater  |  Published
Learn all about the history of the Cotswolds at Corinium Museums Festival of Archaeology in Cirencester.
Learn all about the history of the Cotswolds at Corinium Museum’s Festival of Archaeology in Cirencester.

With events examining the Stone Age, Romans, Medievalism and English Civil War, local history lovers can find out more about the archaeology of the Cotswolds at Corinium Museum’s Festival of Archaeology.

Between Tuesday 16 and Friday 26 July 2019, the Cirencester museum will be hosting a series of tours, talks and family-friendly events based on the history of Cirencester – the site of Romano-Britain’s second largest town, and the Cotswolds.

SoGlos has rounded up its highlights below but for more information and to buy tickets visit coriniummuseum.org directly.

Tours at the Festival of Archaeology

Learn all about the storming of Cirencester during the English Civil War with a walk around the town on Tuesday 16 July 2019 which includes tours of the town centre, Cirencester Park and the Abbey grounds.

If Medieval history is more your thing, join Dr Valija Evalds on Wednesday 24 July 2019 on a walking tour of Medieval Cirencester, characterised by monks, merchants and mud.

Talks at the Festival of Archaeology

Focusing on the settlements and ceremonial landscapes of the North Cotswolds, hear about recent archaeological discoveries and see finds from excavations on Thursday 18 July 2019.

Examine human remnants from the Roman and Saxon periods on Thursday 25 July 2019, complete with an introduction to the techniques used to identify the gender, age and health of the person at the time of their death.

Family events at the Festival of Archaeology

Between Tuesday 23 and Thursday 25 July 2019, children can measure, identify and draw objects they unearth in one of the museum’s own dig pits.

Budding archaeologists can also try their hand at Stone Age painting on Tuesday 23 July, make mosaics on Wednesday 24 July, create a Roman chariot on Thursday 25 July or dress up in Roman armour on Friday 26 July 2019.

For more information and to buy tickets, visit coriniummuseum.org directly.


Festival of Archaeology


Tuesday 16 to Friday 26 July 2019


Times vary per specific event, visit the Corinium Museum website for details.


Ticket prices vary per specific event, contact organisers for details


(01285) 655611

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