Watch monster trucks leap 15 feet into the air while ducks perform agility at this popular Cotswolds country fair

Back for its 35th year this summer, The Cotswold Show and Food Festival is taking over Cirencester Park this July 2024, with a weekend of exciting displays, country pursuits, tasty treats and much more.

By Sarah Kent  |  Published

This summer’s Cotswold Show and Food Festival promises a weekend to remember when it returns to Cirencester Park from Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 July 2024.

This year’s event has a thrilling mix of arena entertainment and family activities lined up — and lots of food and trade stalls to discover, too. 

From exciting monster truck displays where cars and caravans will be crushed from heights of 15 feet; police dog and horse demonstrations from Gloucestershire Constabulary; to the popular dog and duck show, there's entertainment for all ages, including fairground rides, falconry shows and an abundance of animals to see.

Also returning this year is the food festival, with a huge variety of food, produce and drink stalls to keep you going through all the fun — with plenty of samples to try and tasty treats to purchase.

Around 40 producers will be set up in the food hall, offering everything from cheese, charcuterie, relishes, breads and cider to cakes to take home; plus sausages, pizza, fish and chips, burgers Thai and Greek food to tuck into, with plenty of vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options available. 

Ideal for families, children aged from five to 12 get in for just £3 in advance (or £5 on the door), with little ones under five going along for free. You can even bring your four-legged friends, too!

For more information, or to book tickets, visit


The Cotswold Show and Food Festival 2024 at Cirencester Park


Saturday 6 July 2024; Sunday 7 July 2024


The show is open from 9am and closes at 6pm on Saturday and 5pm on Sunday


Tickets cost £15 for adults and children aged over 13 years when purchased online in advance, or £20 on the day. Tickets for children aged five to 12 cost £3 when bought in advance, or £5 on the door. Children under five go free and dogs on leads are welcome.


(01285) 652007

In partnership with The Cotswold Show and Food Festival  |

More on The Cotswold Show and Food Festival

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