How you can give back to Gloucestershire's business community by becoming a mentor

With a growing demand for business support in Gloucestershire, The Growth Hub is highlighting the rewards of sharing knowledge and expertise to help others through its successful mentoring programme.

By Jake Chown  |  Published
Growth Hub mentors have described their role in overseeing the professional development of entrepreneurs and their businesses as a rewarding experience.

The Growth Hub Gloucestershire is seeking professionals who have the time and experience to help guide other aspiring and seasoned local business owners towards success.

The Hub Mentor Programme gives business owners a chance to discuss their strategies and any challenges they may face within a safe space, gaining valuable insights and advice in up to six fully funded one-to-one sessions.

Mentors volunteer their time to share lessons learned from their own successes and failures, encouraging mentees to figure out which route is best for them and make informed decisions for their business.

With more businesses than ever before signing up to receive mentoring, The Growth Hub is looking to expand its community of mentors — and is particularly encouraging those from creative, hospitality and ecommerce backgrounds to apply.

Mentor lead David Chapman said: 'You can feel very lonely as a business leader. Mentoring offers a safe space to bounce ideas and explore solutions with an experienced and knowledgeable person. That’s invaluable!

'A good mentoring session will end with some specific actions from the mentee and it is our job to help the mentee stay on track and deliver their objectives. If it goes wrong then we are there to help find out why and help them get back on track.'

At the start of the programme, mentors undergo specialised in-house training with The Growth Hub team ahead of a matching process with mentees to ensure there's chemistry and common ground.

Another mentor with the scheme, Colin Hall-Tomkin, said: 'I really enjoyed my first experience of mentoring. I was matched well with someone who was looking to start up a business in a sector that I feel knowledgeable and excited about.

'I have found the experience stimulating and rewarding as I have seen my mentee develop their business idea both quickly and effectively and they are already starting to generate revenue and put together the building blocks for a potentially sustainable and scalable business.

'It’s been fun for both of us and I hope to retain an interest in the business’ progress as time goes on.'

Mentee Henny Malby, of Pink Elephant Media, said the scheme has had a huge impact on her business, commenting: 'I highly recommend The Growth Hub to anyone looking to elevate their business. Their tailored support and networking opportunities are truly exceptional.

'With their comprehensive assistance, I've successfully transitioned to running a successful web development company with three dedicated full-time employees and two part time.'

To find out more about becoming a hub mentor, or to apply, email

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