Gloucestershire Historic business profiles

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Blaisdon Hall

Blaisdon Hall, Blaisdon, Near Longhope, GL17 0AQ

Cheltenham Town Hall

Imperial Square, Cheltenham, GL50 1QA

Clearwell Castle

Clearwell Castle, Clearwell, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, GL16 8LG

Egypt Mill

Stroud Road, Nailsworth, GL6 0AE

Elmore Court

Elmore, Gloucester, GL2 3NT

Glenfall House

Mill Lane, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, GL54 4EP

Royal Agricultural University

Stroud Road, Cirencester, GL7 6JS

Saxon Barn

The Priory, Church Road, Leonard Stanley, Stonehouse, GL10 3NP

Tewkesbury Abbey

High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5RZ